Blog Adnan Abbasi

Adnan Abbasi

“My Quest is to reduce my environmental carbon footprint by shifting to using public transport for my daily commute as much as I can.”

I’m Adnan, CEO of Thothica, an AI-Research Lab at the intersection of academic research, science communication, policy, and generative AI. We collaborate with governments, universities, and nonprofits to discover, analyze, and interpret large volumes of text.

Each day teaches me that even the smallest actions can significantly impact our journey towards sustainable living. I’ve shifted to using public transport like the metro or bus for my daily travels, opting to leave my car parked and steering clear of services like Uber — as much as I can. This change might seem minor, but it’s unexpectedly rewarding. I find myself feeling more in tune with my community’s rhythm, and it’s an effective, uncomplicated strategy to reduce my environmental footprint.

I’ve become more mindful about waste management too. From recycling a single bottle to composting leftover food, I’m more thoughtful about the destination of my trash. These actions may appear insignificant in the larger picture, but for me, they’re critical strides towards sustainability.

Adnan is the CEO of Thothica, an AI-Research Lab.

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