Charlene Ruto
“My Quest is to champion initiatives that unlock doors of opportunities for the youth of Kenya – for a better future. My quest is to encourage more youths to farm and protect the environment, for a better future.”
Youth unemployment, food insecurity and the ravages of a changing climate are key problems the world is grappling with at the moment. I am convinced that we, the young people, are the most affected and will live longer to experience the effects of these problems.
We are leading the youth through an actionable, agenda-driven leadership focused on creating jobs for them in agriculture – that is sustainable and climate-smart, and pulling together to conserve and preserve our planet.
In my journey as an environmentalist and young Climate justice advocate, I have learnt the power of collective action and the importance of perseverance. It’s not easy to stand up for what you believe in, especially when faced with seemingly insurmountable challenges. But every tree planted, every policy changed and every young person inspired to take action adds up to a significant impact.