Portfolio Material Library of India – Textile, their Second Skin

Material Library of India – Textile, their Second Skin

Material Library of India, founded by designer and entrepreneur Shubhi Sachan in partnership with an Australia-based organization, is leading a transformative movement. They are reinvigorating ‘katran’ (cloth scraps) and discarded clothing, shifting the conventional perspective on waste to a more holistic and creative approach.

In today’s world, as sustainability takes centre stage, it becomes imperative to rethink our approach to waste. The Material Library of India is on a mission to address waste comprehensively, recognizing the untapped potential within it and the necessity for innovative solutions.

Their focus goes beyond merely repurposing waste materials. Instead, they’re reshaping and reimagining these materials, creating a conscious fashion movement that propels us toward a future with minimal waste. The idea is not just to reduce waste but to transform it into something both aesthetically pleasing and valuable.

Shubhi Sachan’s brainchild, the Material Library of India, is more than a startup; it’s an inclusive invitation for all to become a part of the solution. It calls for a fundamental shift in the way we approach design, production, and consumption, emphasizing sustainability as a core value.

By breathing new life into discarded materials, the Material Library of India serves as a pioneering example of how traditional craftsmanship can harmonize with modern innovation. It serves as a resounding call to action, urging individuals and industries to embrace a future where waste is not dismissed but seen as a resource with the potential to create a more sustainable, eco-friendly world.

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